
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Steampunk Dice Fashion #1

Steampunk dice form Q-workshop are my favorite dice I had ever seen and worked with. The details are amazing and they represent the style so well. They come in variety of colors but because I like simplicity I've been using mostly the beige-black ones. If you order a set, you get it all in a nice box.

I started my steampunk creations with dice cufflinks. They are a great accessory to costumes for conventions and such or even for weddings.
For these I used D12 & D20 only (but I would do others for custom orders). With D12 I used gold cufflinks and for D20 bronze ones.

Because I like these dice so much I ordered a whole set (two to be exact) and made earrings out of them. I used metal elements in bronze color because I think they fit better the style than the regular silver ones. I like things simple so I decided not to add anything to the dice but I am thinking about adding some toothed bars in the future, but not soon I suppose.

You can get all of my dice jewelry and accessories in my Etsy Shop.

Something a bit off the topic but still related a bit... I ordered amazing dice recently, not from Q-workshop this time but from Chessex and I cannot wait to get them. I hope they will be as fantastic as on the pictures and that they would make wonderful earrings.

That's all for today.
Have a great day!

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